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Alexis Murti

In early 2010 I came along to one of Mindi Clews (a New Zealand Cheese Master), cheese making workshops to learn how to make Brie.  The workshop was present from my husband, and the next step in our family's journey to live the good life.  After completing this course there was no turning back for me!
Our family made the move to rural Otaki in order to live as sustainably as we could.  With two young kids, it is great to give them room to run around and also a real gift to be able to grow, produce and make most of our own food.  We also enjoy that there is a greater opportunity to obtain food and other local produce directly from the source which often means it is fresher and in turn helps to reduce our carbon footprint.
I regularly make batches of brie, halloumi, feta and ricotta with fresh milk from a friendly local farmer, and I love finding new ways to incorporate my home dairy into our family meals. I also love the idea of getting back to basics and found that making cheese could be incorporated easily into my weekly life.
Teaching others how to do this seemed a natural progression for me; I know what it means to me to be able to provide my family with wholesome produce and I want to make it easier for you to do the same.

CHEESE MAKING: Halloumi & Ricotta
1 Saturday morning - On 22 March from 9am-12pm

You make the cheese at this intensely practical DIY 'hands-in' workshop because the key to good cheese making is knowing how the cheese should look and, most importantly, how it should feel at different points in it's creation. During this three hour hands-on workshop, you will be guided through the cheese making process while you make your own Halloumi and Ricotta which you will be able to take home and show off at the end!

Click here for more information on this course or to enrol

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